Motor Sport

The motorsport industry was one of the earliest adopters of deep cryogenic treatment, understanding that it can bring massive benefits to both the performance and durability of racing vehicles. Teams from motorsports such as NASCAR, BTCC and BSB have all embraced the results provided by DCT, and now it is seen as something that must be used, in order to keep up with the competition. So, can you afford not to invest in the extra power and reliability our services can bring to you?

Why Use DCT for Motor Vehicles?
Deep cryogenic treatment is a popular choice within the motorsport industry for two reasons. The main one of these however is as follows: DCT provides such a massive advantage over other competitors that it pays for itself. This is due to the fact that components treated with DCT have a much greater strength, therefore contributing towards greater reliability, plus components also receive a boost to their performance at the same time.
DCT is also popular across the spectrum thanks to its affordability. No other method can give such great benefits for the small price it costs to have components treated using DCT, and this means that even amateur enthusiasts are able to work with our professional team here at Frozen Solid.

What We Work With
At Frozen Solid, we’ve treated thousands of mechanical components, ranging from brake discs (average life is at least doubled) through to engines, which can have their performance increased significantly with treatment. These components can come from vehicles ranging from professional racing cars through to karts, as well as everything in between.
The range of different makes of components we can work with is all encompassing. We can use DCT to enhance the qualities of everything from small kart engines through to engines from supercars, and we’ve even helped both the American and Canadian snowmobile teams to make the most of their vehicles. So, whatever the component, and whatever the make, we are able to help everyone achieve their goals – to go faster, and to increase reliability.
If you have an interest in this highly skilled and specialised service, we would love to hear from you. We’re always available to chat about any projects you might have, and will always give you good, honest advice and recommendations. You can call us today on 01480 861972 or alternatively use the on-site contact form to send us an email.


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Kart engine and exhaust sent to Frozen Solid for DCT - Results were instant. Notably the exhaust benefitted.

November 7, 2016

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We have had 2 years of problems getting this drag bike to work due to the clutch, but we never gave up & now we are seeing the benefits of our perseverance. Without your company’s treatment service we would have spent a lot more money trying to sort out the problems, but the parts you

June 5, 2015

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We have utilised Frozen Solid for many gear sets and have seen a consistent gain in power and performance.

June 5, 2015

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We experienced some difficulty with the performance of con rod with bronze insert that we provide for a Rally race team, we utilized Frozen Solid’s Racers Edge technology and found that the performance of the component had increased by 26.75%, we have a number of projects that we shall look to utilize Frozen Solid’s services.

June 5, 2015

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We have had 2 years of problems getting this drag bike to work due to the clutch, but we never gave up & now we are seeing the benefits of our perseverance. Without your company's DCT service we would have spent a lot of money.

June 5, 2015

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the technology that Frozen Solid utilise means that I always recommend their treatment, especially for gears.

June 5, 2015

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Utilising DCT for our engines has meant that we have gained a competitive advantage. We have seen a significant increase in horse power, less internal heat has meant we have seen excellent durability and toughness

June 5, 2015